Sunday, 9 December 2007

Saluki Puppy

The wonderful news is that my badly injured saluki puppy, Elef (see post, "Ode to a Dead daisy" for details) is well on her way to a full recovery. The vet changed the bandages last friday and was very happy with the way the wounds are healing. There is now very little chance of her losing her leg. What wonderful news........ Maybe I should now design and put together a quilt that celebrates her "return to life"...... :D


Jill Smith said...

I am so glad you puppy is on her way to be fully recoverd and maybe a quilt just for her would be nice,

Brenda said...

Leigh..I just saw a show on our channel 9 about dogs that was very interesting. It talked about all the different breeding of dogs and how some of them came to be. There was a segment on the Saluki and I thought of you.