Wednesday 5 August 2009

The Creative Journey

Adding to yesterday's post titled "The Journey", my very good friend and author, Elana Bregin, suggested that life is not only a journey but a creative journey. How true....I never thought of it this way, if I could just remember this and learn to take each day as it comes... How much easier life would be.

On another note, I was thinking yesterday that the 2 best things that I have ever bought are my camera and my sewing machine. I am so grateful to have both - they open up such wonderful avenues for being creative. It is awesome to be able to take photos and then use them in my quilting.......


Millie said...

Next to the computer I say so too. I just had bad luck with the camera I bought before my vacation to only worked for one week.

Anonymous said...

ouch - that's bad. Sorry about the camera - so you missed out on a whole lot of photo opportunities